Second thread: My mother was not afraid of wolves

Mere et fille cousant Morisot dessin 2 Deux Fils deuxième imageParaskeva les couturières dessin Four:quatre generations Schjerfbeck
The second woman talked to her daughter to prepare her for life:My mother did not know tenderness. I would have liked a mother like the others, who cared for me, who caressed me. She said: “I never knew my mother:” All children have known their mother from the inside, and when they come out, the midwife told me, the attachment which has grown between the mother and the child never goes away, never gets forgotten. My mother denied this bond, as if it had never existed, as if she were born from a stone on the road.

My grandparents were so good to her, they took her in, when she was no bigger than a beetle waving its legs in the air. Yet they really needed a boy for the farm, not a girl. She never called them … To read more, or find out about this project, write us an email 


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